Luke is a creative, art director, illustrator, designer and typographer from Melbourne, Australia.
He has a passion for type and he believes that the same word, passage or even letter can be treated in bunch of different ways and embody entirely different meanings… That and through subtleties like a slight shift in line weight, the elongation of a tail or the arc you use, a letter can go from contemporary to traditional or happy to sad in a single stroke…
He started his career publishing an inline skating magazine called Fourinarow and from 1996 to 1999 he published 8 editions distributed in 14 countries around the world.
In 1999 he co- founded Lifelounge, one of the longest serving online creative portals website, 14 editions of the contemporary culture print magazine Lifelounge (2005 – 2011) and a multi-award winning creative agency.
Nowadays he works on his own for clients around the world.